Hello everyone!
I'm Luca and I welcome you all to!
I can better introduce myself, telling you a story that my mother always reminds me: when I was a child I never wanted to go to sleep, because for me it was a waste of time. I was already very busy! I focused on organizing outings and children playing together gatherings. I was enjoying making everyone laugh telling my stories. While growing up I increased my passion in the world of art, culture, education and social issues. Not much has changed since I was a little boy hating to go to sleep! It’s difficult to describe myself, perhaps because of my natural eclecticism… Therefore, to show you who I am I need to tell you about the works I carried out during the years:

Someone calls me FILM DIRECTOR
Making videos has always been a great passion and also one of my favorite job. I made short films, feature films, commercials, documentaries and TV series. Some of my productions have been distributed on international streaming platforms, such as the documentary Influx on Netflix and the docu-series Red-Zones on Sky Italia and . Honestly as a director I have produced so many things … and the funny thing is that someone have even rewarded me!
Someone calls me PERFORMER
I like staying behind the camera, but I also love to work in front of an audience. After years exploring and studying not-verbal communication in different countries, “La Voce del Corpo” (VOICE OF THE BODY) became my first theatrical show, which brought me all around the world. Since then, I never left the stage and I did different shows on social themes: like “Me in your shoes”, focused on specific learning disorders topic and “Invisible Freedom”, focused on the economic violence against women subject. In 2021 I created my first TV show, “The power in gestures”, of which I am the author and tv-host: with a fun and informative point of view, I reveal the secrets that lie behind the signs of our body.

Someone else call me COACH
As a matter of fact, the prequel to my performer experience was in the coaching field. “The voice of the body” took me to prestigious Universities and Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, cultural associations and schools to teach workshops, run lectures and performances about Italian gestures. Starting from the Italian gestures theme I have increasingly deepened the field of non-verbal communication, which has opened up new cultural and professional horizons.
Someone calls me AUTHOR
It is my deep belief that ideas are at the heart of any creative process and I am happy when they describes me as “a volcano of ideas”. In fact, I am the author of all my movies, plays, TV format and advertising campaigns. Recently, I started to work in the publishing world and I have written two books: the first, “L’Italia s’è gesta. How to speak Italian without speaking” published by ULTRA edizioni within the comedy series “Veni vidi risi” curated by Stefano Sarcinelli, where I tell my adventure as a teacher of Italian gestures in prestigious international universities; the second, “Our body teaches” published by Erickson and co-written with the Prof. Daniela Lucangeli, where we talk about the importance of not-verbal communication and emotional intelligence in teaching at school both face to face teaching and in distance learning.